Legal Information and our terms of service

General terms and conditions


german studios Frankfurt
Manager: Shervin Zamani Alai, Jan-Philipp Höhl
Sonnenstraße 16
80331 München

Amtsgericht München HRB 264208


Banking details

Account owner: german studios Frankfurt
IBAN: DE62 8302 0087 0041 0287 77
BIC: HYVEDEMM463 (HypoVereinsbank)


Image number 1160993415: kzenon, Stock-Fotografie-ID:1160993415
Image number 615913492: RossHelen, Stock-Fotografie-ID:615913492
Image number 1161040505: StreetFlash, Stock-Fotografie-ID:1161040505
Image number 1173484118: f11photo; Stock-Fotografie-ID:1173484118
Login icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon

Court of Jurisdiction

Local Court München
Tax File Number: 143/181/91604
VAT ID: DE340582242

Notice of Liability

We try to keep the content of our website up-to-date. Despite careful maintenance, we cannot be held liable. As a service provider we are responsible for the content of our own sites according to § 7 sec. 1 TMG. According to §§ 8 – 10 TMG, however, we are not responsible for checking the content of linked or external websites. In case that we find out about any infringements, we will remove this information from our site. With regards to breaching the law, we can only be kept responsible from the moment of our notice.


The content and concepts of the websites created by the respective operators are subject to German copyright laws. The copying, editing, distribution and any form of application outside copyright laws necessitate the consent of the author or operator in written form.

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